Thursday, December 20, 2007

taking care of my patient..

So Lance woke up Sunday with a little bit of a sore back. By Tuesday after sitting for a 4 hour test...he stood up and was in a LOT of pain. Wednesday morning at about 5:30 am (heading to a 7am final) when he woke up he was done for. He could not move at all without being in excruciating(not sure how to spell that?!) pain! Now my husband is a very tough man and he could not do anything without almost dying...bad news!It seriously was so scary! We went to the BYU clinic and they instructed us to immediately go to the ER(which if you know my husband, he was not a big fan of, he tends to be kind of anti meds and just likes to walk-off everything)! After a few hours, a morphine shot, and 3 perscriptions, we headed home. While this alone is enough to really screw up a finals week, he had planned to take his finals that day because the next day, Thurs, he had scheduled arthroscopic surgery on his knee. He seriously made me bring his notes into the recovery room to study before and after his surgery (did i mention he was on drugs, hence the smile in the pictures)! crazy! Well 48 hours later, Lance is in bed studying, a little loopy. Fortunately his teachers have been extremely flexible and kind. Lance has rescheudled finals and has two more to take tomorrow. Wish me luck getting my 200 lb. husband to the car and to campus who can not sit because of his back or bend his leg because of his knee! Yay for surgery! yay for morphine/Vicodin/cyclobenzeprene/ibuprofen! Yay for finals! yay for it being his last week of undergrad!

He was pretty happy about me catching the whole day on camera..haha:) Just needed you all to get a glimpse of his journey up the stairs and his joy upon arrival at the top!

winter wonderland!!

Lance and I decided to go to the SLC temple last my last day of school. When we went in it was drizzling but when we came out 3 hours later (We missed the 7:00 session by like 1 min)it was a freaking blizzard. It was fabulous that we had parked like 3 miles away! We drove about 15 mph all the way to the point of the mountain (which was a real treat for those of you who know my husband and his road rage tendencies..he actually handled it quite nicely!) and as soon as we came around into Highland it was completely clear and had not snowed at all..bizarre! While the weather was not great for pictures, I had to take a few!

OT Sub-for-Santa!

As an OT department, we were able to provide tons of fun christmas presents for a Somali-Bantu family that moved here to Utah. It was so fun. When we showed up to deliver presents, all the kids were in the front window waiting for us. This is what the season is all about!!
p.s...totally nasty picture of me but the kids are just too cute!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Lance and I headed to Las Vegas on Tuesday for Thanksgiving festivities.

It was so fun to see Anna, Rach, and Mike and help put together our feast.Rach and I even whipped out some delicious homemade pies! Mom, Dad, Cait, and Brooke all arrived on Thursday morning. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, fun times on the strip, delcious meals, some fun shopping, and sitting around and just watching anna try to jump made for a fabulous weekend.

anna definately steals the show when she is around...she is so fun to watch!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

WA in October

Went to UP in October for 2 weeks for an internship at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. In addition to learning lots there, I was home for Homecoming, halloween prep,trips to the pumpkin patch, Into the Woods in Seattle, walks with mom, bonding with the family, Transformers on dvd premier with Cole and Dane, etc. etc. While it was a very long time away from my Lance, it was so fun to be home with the Shaw/Parker fam.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my very first post

I am so excited Rach started this blog for me... I can guarentee that the pics I post will not be nearly as cute, but I will try to stay current. Enjoy...I promise I will get better at this blogger stuff...


This blog is dedicated to our neices and nephews and family all over the place! It is also dedicated to my sister, Rachel, who is absolutely obsessed with blogging!

This way they can see what is going on in our lives while we are far away!