Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Over the Hill (Snoqualmie) and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go... haha

Over the last month or so we have been able to make a couple trips to Royal. Unfortunately, the first was for the funeral of Mr. Bob Nielson, Lance's beloved teacher and coach. We were grateful we could be there to reminisce with friends and family and show his love and support for the Nielson family.

(after family/friends lunch outside the seminary bldg)

While we were there Ben got to sit up in the tractor with dad and thought he was the coolest--of course then it turned into a mini family photo shoot--gotta love me:)

Ben enjoying his bumbo during our dinner and then he showed off his growing eating skills and ate some rice cereal at grandmas

A few weeks later (June 12th) we were able to head over to Royal again for Hayley's baptism. We are so proud of her and the choice she made to be baptized and were glad we could be there to show our love and support to her.

Fun to get the babies together: Sarah (9 mos.), Ben(5 mos.), and Kinsey(9 mos.)

didnt have ben's church pants so he went casual to church
but we thought he looked pretty cute anyways :)

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