Its been too long sorry--ill get better at this posting thing when i have a handsome little guy to post pictures of (Lance and I are kinda boring:). Quick recap. We had a wonderful time in UT for Ian & Rachel's wedding and a fun Thanksgiving with the Bergeson crew including a whirlwind weekend in Royal for the reception. The CD of pictures Debra gave me for some reason doesn't work on my computer so I have no fun pics to show for that trip but we had a great time. AND I turned 26--Im getting old!
December started with a fun shower with so many generous friends/family and a LOT of fun new things for Ben and I.

Getting ready for Ben and Christmas made December fly by! Finished working for now and Christmas was wonderful. (will try to post pics later) It was fun to be in our house and have our own tree this year considering the last 4 years we have come home to WA for Holidays and skipped the whole christmas decor thing (thanks sisters for surprising us with tree for my b-day). dont have any pics from festivities on Christmas eve because i didnt have my NEW camera yet:) Thanks Lance!

His nursery is ready and darling! My mom did such an awesome job on the bedding--i LOVE it! (will post final pics when I get pictures of my little man in all the frames and the lamp in place--here are just some teasers from a few weeks ago)
Lance has been so awesome to finish any little project I had for him to get everything ready for our little man and he always did it right when his ornery prego wife asked him to (usually with a smile on his face)--such a good dad already!:)
Nursery ready-check. New BOB stroller all assembled-check. Swing-check. Car seat in car-check. 0-3 mo.clothes all washed and put away-check. Hospital bags packed-check. Slightly uncomfortable and very large mom-check. Now we just need my sweet Ben to make his grand entrance--and we would REALLY like him to come in '09.
Thus I start my Ben 2009 Campaign--haha. Not just for the tax deduction or because i am miserable--because really i don't feel too bad (which i shouldn't admit because now he wont come for sure)--just really anxious to meet him and hold him. It would just be better for a book full of reasons including Ben meeting his Aunts Rachel (&fam), Megan, and Brooke before they all head back to their respective "homes" after the holidays. I walked 5-6 miles today-including Chambers Bay this morning and another walk this evening. Jumped on the trampoline. and am willing to try any and all induction suggestions:)
Truth is being "due" tomorrow means nothing really--he will come when he wants and I cant control it--so back to the waiting game. Cross your fingers he comes on the 31st!
I hope he gets here soon! I have been thinking about you. Going past your due date is horrible!! Especially when overdue means he will be born in a different year. Good luck and we're excited for you guys to start this adventure!
Yay! I'm glad you liked the BOB. We LOVE it. And as for induction suggestions, nothing works. I was in the same boat as you. I felt fine, but once that due date hits, you are sooo ready to meet and hold your new little one. I was 3 days late, but I hope Ben comes for you today! Keep us posted!
I'm glad you got the BOB. The other stroller suggestion I was going to make would be a snap n' go. Kolcraft or babytrend makes one. (they are supposed to be universal to go with any carseat) I've found that shopping with a stroller is no fun and those ones are a little smaller.
Oh the anticipation! I so know how you feel! If jumping like that didn't put you into labor I'm not sure what will?! Is there a Trio in Washington? They supposedly have this pizza that induces labor. No one told me about it until the day I was to be induced.
Here goes a "look on the bright side" comment...feel free to stop reading!!! At least Ben's birthday won't be so close to the holidays.
I know that I'm not nearly as anxious as you are but I'm soo excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about it, I just love birth stories! Keeping my fingers crossed it comes quick and smooth! Ok...enough with the novel!
One last thing! You look so good! Maybe they got your due date wrong cause you don't look 40 weeks prego!
I'm still awake partly expecting to get a call from you since we should be @ hosp this very hour:) But since I'm the first to tell ya life doesn't go as planned, I will just reiterate how excited we are to meet our nephew/cousin & how proud we are of you in advance for enduring your very own first pregnancy & having your own successful labor/deliv story to share next time the topic arises:) We love you & him already!! AT this point If you want to wait until 19th in honor of Uncle Ben, I'm sure Dane wouldn't mind sharing too!:) In meantime, glad you have pics of your trampoline adventure 'cuz I wouldn't have believed it?! Tomorrow we'll try gorgonzola & all the other appetizing concoctions to ingest:)
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