The friday before Easter we all got together at a local park for a fun Easter egg hunt. The weather cooperation was amazing. We had the perfect, short, window from the POURING rain, finished our hunt, and the rain started again as we were pulling out! The kids had so much fun and even though it was his first actual egg hung, Ben caught on to the idea quickly.
That night we dyed some eggs with a couple of our friends...we didn't start till late and Ben was super sleepy and teething so he was not too intrigued by the whole egg dying thing:)
We dyed literally one egg then I went home to put both of my boys to bed (LB was still working at 4 am every am at the time) I went back for some more bonding after they were both fast asleep:)

I got lazy and didn't color all the eggs that I had made for 2 batches of deviled eggs
--permanent marker faces worked out perfectly:)
Ben was SPOILED on Easter. Our neighbors on both sides brought him fun baskets and I always get a bit carried away. Most of the stuff I wanted to get him anyways so I just saved it all for Easter and his basket ended up overflowing.
It's important to me to start now trying to teach Benner the true meaning of each holiday-especially those centered on our Savior Jesus Christ. I decided he was due for some more church books so I ordered him two from Deseret Book: My First Book of Mormon & If the Savior Stood Beside Me. Of course I threw in the Baby Signing Times DVDs I had ordered him on Amazon, a ball he spotted at Kroger, some candy I secretly wanted, bubbles, and $1 pack of little match cars. He loved bringing his plastic eggs full of goldfish and jellybeans to church that day.

After church we got together with 2 groups of friends. We are all super close but getting 20+ adults PLUS kiddies together at one poor student house every event/holiday is imposible so this year we decided to divide and conquer... LB and I were lucky and were able to hit up both parties:)
1st crew at the Tafoyas
we ate some yummy food, did an egg seek/find boys vs. girls, a raw egg toss (which amazingly I didnt lose!) and just visited with good friends
That night we went to the Low's for a huge Easter dinner. It was super yummy. I ended up leaving my camera at a gazebo near the Tafoyas so I didnt get ANY pics at the Low's--sad:( but I did steal this one from Erin:)
I am especially grateful this time of year for my Savior. I am grateful that I KNOW Him and He KNOWS me. I am grateful for the Plan of Happiness and the privilege I have to return, with my family, to live with my Heavenly Father again after this mortal life. While it is hard to be away from family during holidays, it was a wonderful Easter spent with great friends!!
1 comment:
You got some great pics in his suit esp the one where he's grinning after ripping tulip off the stem:) but think gonna be too dark brown to serve double duty for the wedding--bummer--oh well! perfect for the spring holiday & glad you got in lots o' celebrating with good friends...wish Ben's Easter bunny filled my basket:)
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