It was the end of July, and the Uffens had settled in San Antonio. Rach called me up and was anxious to show someone around TX-- Ben and I quickly obliged:) I worked mon-tues and then we headed out to TX for the rest of the week (I LOVE being PRN:)
Fortunately, we just saw the girls in June for the wedding and Ben remembered them all well and warmed up right away! so much so that he even agreed to get naked in front of them for a group tub after swimming at the Y :) (haha i couldn't resist:)
Day 2 we headed to Sea World--it was too hot but SUPER fun nonetheless!

First stop: Dolphins--the kids LOVED it and so did I:) we got to pet and feed them and were soo close-it was awesome!

but we got too hot so we moved on..
Bay of Play Splash Pad was very much appreciated! especially with the Sesame Street theme and pictures with Ben's beloved Elmo:)
Ben watched the whole show SOOO intently and at one point stood up and walked up to the stage as if to want to double check if they were really real:) He was convinced and LOVED it!!
The pics with Elmo we had to buy--well actually we didnt but that just because the guy working that counter was very kind:)--but i havent scanned it into comp yet:)
snacking on watermelon :)
The coral reef aquarium was air conditioned and i would have been happy in there all day:) fortunately the kids liked it too!
but having them unleashed from their strollers didn't last long:)
the crew...

Of course a Shamu show!--in the splash zone:)
Ben loved the whale show--and his facial expressions below say it all!
Bonding with Quinners! love that happy girl!
I insisted we pose with every stuffed sea creature--ben was a little resistant but ended up giving "dap" and high fives to them all:)
posing by the flamingos- "annie's favorite"
I am noticing Paige wasnt quick to jump behind the camera--sad because i love that girl! I love all the girls like my own and was SOO glad ben had so much fun playing with them and I got to see them again this summer!
Rach and I were exhausted and sweaty and DISGUSTING by the end of the day and we decided to take a picture to illustrate:)
Stopped by sign on way out:) cheesy tourist pics but i love the one of the kiddos:)
we had lots of fun down time at Uffens too--my favorite:) making signs for mike's bday, making meals, watching shows, playing:)
splash pad at the Y and guess what Ben decided he would rather play with---a broom--this boy is obsessed with cleaning objects:)
you name it, if it cleans, he loves it!
Ben loved this little front jacket he borrowed from the girls--he was pretty sure he could swim. no one had the heart to tell him the pool was only 1 ft deep:)

Thanks sooo much for the fun trip Uffens! I am so glad we were able to come visit! We had such and fun time and love you all to pieces!!
I was there, but love the pictures and someone else's account so much more than my own! Love you! Thanks so much for coming!! We MUST do it again :)
I cannot believe how big Rach's kids are now!!! Holy smokes I remember when Anna was born!
Ben looks like a mini Lance in some of the photos!
Looks like fun! If you take a trip to visit your other sister in Utah, make sure you visit me too!!!!
i love how happy and excited he is at sea world! SO CUTE!
Looks like a fun week. We are excited to see you in a couple of months. Ben is so dang cute. (So are all of the girls.)
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