Note: I have NO actually belly pics--not a belly pic taker i suppose. I am the official pic taker in the family--in fact Lance ONLY takes pics upon request so I am rarely in any pictures..rounded up a few of my growing self to post throughout. I carry baby EVERYWHERE vs. just in belly so I am ok with the limited pics:)
Wow- I have not blogged at ALL about this baby/pregnancy really so thought I'd throw an excerpt or two into the online journal:) This pregnancy has been so-oo different from my pregnancy with Ben. We announced to our family by having Ben wear a hand-me-down Big Brother shirt while skype-ing:) they all picked up on it super fast!
I was more sick early on from about 4-5 weeks up till about 16-17 weeks. I was in TX when Rach first put the idea in my head that I was prego. I was sick in mornings and woke up STARVING. Within weeks, I was throwing up several times a day daily till about 14 weeks and then down to a couple bad days/week till about 20 weeks.
It seems every symptom I had with Ben at like 8 months+ I started feeling at like 5 months with this one:) which is super awesome:)
19 weeks
I had a feeling she was a she:) prior to my 20 week appointment but I honestly did NOT CARE at all either way. In fact I would be super happy and super disappointed either way:) I am thrilled to be having a girl for SOOO many reasons and cannot wait to meet her but I was sad to not have another little boy buddy for Ben too:)
20 weeks
My tummy popped out quick between 18-20 weeks and then stayed the same till about 28-29 weeks.
Ben is so sweet! He regularly hugs and kisses my tummy and says "hi baby sisser", "wanna come play wif me?", "baby sisser soo cuuute!" etc. He loves to lay his head on my tummy and give it hugs--he is going to be the sweetest big brother ever!
Baby girl seems to move so differently than Ben did. Not so many distinct kicks, and she won't kick back when we try to get her to but instead she just does almost constant gymnastics/somersaults :) Ben insists on pulling my shirt up to "see" baby sister and tries to feel her move regularly-claims he does every time:)
35 weeks

Havent had cravings in particular. I am a food lover and still love cooking and baking just about anything:) I do occasionally crave Sprite--which is weird considering I stopped drinking soda in like 8th grade:) and not just a sip-I crave a large sprite from McD for $1.05:), fortunately my husbands frugality has worn off on me--a LITTLE :)-- and I don't indulge very frequently, maybe 10 x in 9 months--not bad:). Sweets for sure always hit the spot--frozen grapes and m&m's (not together:) in the freezer have been a favorite.
at 38 weeks, Ive gained almost 30 lbs!! holy moly! but thats ok--they are worth it! spraining my ankle--bad!--on super bowl sunday put a damper on my regular exercise routine, as did the 10 lbs of Christmas candy I made and ate to make myself feel better for not being home eating all my moms homemade candy--it didnt work :) and then the cold, cough/bronchitis, and sinus infection all in a row haven't helped a ton either:) haha
Got a sewing machine for my bday but dont know how to use it so I haven
t much--I decided with all the cute embellishments for girl stuff I better learn fast (boys stuff doesnt look as cute with ruffles and flowers:) --So i taught myself how to do a little bit and copied some fun ideas from online:) I am still a total novice--but Im learning and having fun with it:)
rit dyed and embellished cloth diaper burp cloths and onsies/headbands--forgive the dark/shadowy phone pics:)

Swelling was something I didn't have much of with Ben. I don't remember swelling at all with him until flying on a plane over Thanksgiving at 8 months prego and my feet/ankles totally doubled, but even that eventually went away within the week. This time my hands and feet swell daily--my feet are the worst! It's disgusting--see!:)
38.5 weeks
at BYU round 2 NCAA tourny game vs. Marquette ( to be posted about later:)
I CANNOT wait to meet her. She is still "her" not because we are keeping the name a secret but we just haven't decided yet...we are down to a few options so we'll see in 2 weeks i suppose?! I truly do feel good for the most part, still working 1-2x/week like normal, staying active with Ben with walks and playgrounds and play dates, making dinner every night, my house isn't as clean as I'd like but that's life. At least the pregnant belly part, I could do without sprained ankles, pinched nerves/spasms in back, cold/bronchitis/sinus infections, etc. If I were JUST prego I would feel so good which I know is a huge blessing as some are super miserable--Seriously though, I especially cant complain considering I am growing a human being inside of me!! I mean come on--a full term baby is inside of me! Such a miracle! and a testament of a loving Creator, Heavenly Father that it is even possible to make a baby and that I am privleged enough to carry a baby full term and be a mother.
I am very blessed and soooo excited to meet my baby girl!!
Yay! Glad you updated. Can't wait to see pictures of the new little one when she gets here! You look fantastic. And gaining 30 lbs is not that much. With Sawyer I gained 50 lbs. Yikes. I hope with this one I only gain 30 :)
You look tell Lance to take more pictures of you :)
So fun to read! You look just as beautiful as ever! Can't wait to hear her name and see her little face! <3
LOVE how much Ben already loves his little sister!! That is so so sweet! Those are some awesome kankles!! You are still going full force Britty!! Cannot wait!!!
Notice to all that Bergs are quarantined for rest of week from your protective older sister:) Never fear...Grandma Neecy will be en route in just one week!! Here's to hoping for smooth & speedy delivery AFTER that!
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