Valentines is not Valentines without Denise's sugar cookies:)
a couple days before Valentines, Lakai and Kabe were over for a few hours so Shan and Trev could have a Valentine date and I decided to let the boys do some cookie decorating:) It wasn't the most sanitary but they loved and thoroughly enjoyed just liking the frosting off of their plastic knifes:)
On Valentines, we started out with heart shaped pancakes:)
Kai came over while Shanah brought Kabey to doctor on the 14th so I wanted to do something Valentine-y with the boys. They made painted handprint Valentines for their families and colored valentine pictures--that was enough crafting for the boys and they wrestled the rest of the time:)

after enjoying some heart shaped PB & honey of course:) strawberries & pretzels (kinda hearts right?) haha
Ben is not really old enough to get it all but I love trying to make holidays stand out for him!:)
Ben LOVED his Mr Potato Head and Lance loved his shoes--at first, then he returned them, oh well, A for effort:) and i LOVED my roses---long story but made short, I made a bratty comment about Lance getting me beautiful roses from Costco where he works about 6 years ago and roses, or any type of fresh flowers for that matter, went from being a regular gift to non-existant:) so glad the drought is over!! yay for roses, thanks babe!!!
Even if not most sanitary, those cookies look so yummy!!
Glad you got roses...& loved all your effort to celebrate with Bennerman & friend-Happy Hearts' Day!!
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