I worked on my b-day but had a wonderful day nonetheless:)
I headed over the DMV early that am to SUPER last minute renew my license before I had to retake the written because it was expired:) Lance had been all coached when I got home and I was welcomed home to breakfast and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM" from my Ben....he continued to wish me a happy birthday all day--it was soo sweet:)
after working I returned home to my sweet boys..
enjoyed a yummy b-day dinner at Lynn's Paradise Cafe...

It was a fun, novel, little restaurant and Ben was thoroughly entertained:)
Then returned home to open some fun presents sent from WA with love:)
I am a lucky girl to have had so much fun, love, and been blessed with SOO much in my 28 years!
happy happy 28th! love you britty!!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you always know how much we love you and we celebrate you LOTS...even when it's not your bday! :)
happy belated b-day once again! glad your bubble bath remained intact for my beautiful sister to soak when heavy with child:) forgot t'was your golden one-how fun except the work part!
Happy Happy Birthday to you from me!
And you don't look 28. We still look like young college students ;)
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