We did it! I say "we" because I think it may have been harder for me than it apparently was for my Ben. Haha--it was just a big realization that he is not a baby anymore--he is getting so big! I am not gonna lie, I was sad too to no longer have a plug (terrible term) when the talking was non-stop or whining was starting or in the car or at church, or what made naps and bed time a cinch, or a quick and easy soothe him when he was upset...etc.

His last night with his binky...
Ben has slowly lost his binky's--or I have--over the last few months and he had been down to ONE for weeks. We prepped Ben telling him that "2 year olds don't use binky's anymore" and his response was always "ok" and "ill miss it" but we didn't really think he got it...Lance was NOT gonna let me back out, as I have done for months, and so ON the night of his b-day (mean, huh?!) We told Ben, "Ok it's time to say bye to binky". One of Ben's favorite shows is Sesame Street and we have watched the "Bye Bye Binky" episode quite a few times (saved on DVR) the last few months in preparation and have sung the song even more times. Ben decided he liked how Elmo gave some of his binky's to the babies so we ran with it and told him Daddy was going to bring the binky to "the babies"--rather ambiguous, I know:) but Ben didnt seem to mind. Ben said bye to his last binky, and Lance went for a quick drive in the car with bink. When he got back he told Ben how much the babies loved it and that made Ben super happy and that night, after about a half hour of singing he went to sleep. With ZERO tears, and only one SUPER sad-break-your-heart face. That was that...naps were rough as in SHORT for about a week but ZERO tears and he never begged for it again (he asked about it x2 but was fine with my reminder that he gave it to "the babies")--can you believe it! I cant!--I thought it would be much harder! He is a rockstar!! LOVED the binky! Love him!!
I remember well trying to get Annie off a bottle...much more traumatic for me and we survived, but needed your post! Need encouragement to get Paigey off her thumb! She is not quite as well mannered as her 2 year old cousin :) haha!! Way to go Ben and hope he forgives you for doing it on his birthday:)!!
that is the saddest story I have ever heard....reminds me of that "mean mom" poem I have on the wall....I am proud of your convictions and follow thru...and you are lucky i live across the country...cuz "the lip" gets me every time...
clearly I don't know how it would feel to take away a binky- but Ben is adorable and handled it so well!! Great job Britt!
My nephew is the CUTEST!!
I just got caught up on your posts, SOS this is a little late...but...congrats on getting into dental school! I takes to lances parents last summer, and they were petitioning prayers for your family.:)
Also congrats on the little girl. Girls are so much fun.
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