Tuesday, November 27, 2012

April 2012-Blakes 1st Month:)

 Church Easter egg hunt:) 
Blake was 1 week old and Gma stayed home with Blake so Ben and I could go on mommy-son date:) 

Ben CAN swing in big boy swing but still prefers the baby ones-- my cautious little boy:) love him!

Parks and zoo trips with our buddies:)

Loved this day! LB was out changing the breaks and my sweet two year old just ran to his room, changed into "work shoes", grabbed his tool box & headed outside-- I looked out the window and I saw him quickly assisting his dad in changing the brakes on the jeep! I live for moments like this!! So cute!

 cuddling with gma:) 

2nd week at church:) 

1st grocery trip with two kids--annoying-hard-to-steer-car is now mandatory so I could have somewhere to put my groceries:)

sitting outside with mom while Ben plays/mows:)

First  REAL Smiles! April 24, 2012

love this stage 
when they sleep SOOO much 
and SOOO soundly!
such an awesome hair line--my little old man:)
sooo sweet! late night parties:) 

Ben helping me make Blakes 1 mo. cake:) 

she loved it:) -- I don't need much of an excuse to make a chocolate cake:) 
Happy 1 month Blakely Girl!
The night of the: "OH MY HAIL" Hail Storm 2012

Ben is seeming sooo big to me these days 
now that I snuggle someone smaller too! :) He is so sweet--still my perfect little man!

Fun at the Balloon Glow:)

Its been a wonderful month. Life with two so far is great--Im a little tired and Ben thinks Blake eats too much ("She's hungry again mom?!") But easier than I expected--however, I know it will get harder when she doesn't sleep so much anywhere and everywhere:)

Everyone asks me if it's different with a girl..and I have to say no:) I love it--i Love her! but she doesn't have me any any more wrapped around her finger than my sweet Ben does. I love them! Ben has been so-oo sweet with her and loves to hold and cuddle her.

So far Blake is a great sleeper and a great eater! I was hoping nursing would be easier this go around but oh well--in a few weeks it'll be worth it (i hope!)

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

So do you still dress matching with your kids...or is it harder to coordinate with 2? I tried to do it once, but only lasted 2 days...it took too much effort :).

You have the cutest family!