Wednesday, March 24, 2010
aunt boop
Go Cougs/Dawgs!
Ben loves walks--with BOB and Bjorn.
The Good ol' days...
Lindsay was in town for a quick visit from Utah and put together a little get together with friends from HS/pre-HS days. We haven't gotten together much at all since then so it was really fun to catch up and pick up where we left off. I should have brought some MHMB cookies--Mo' Hotta' Mo' Betta :)
3/14: Happy Birthday to my Mother
Ben Goes to Royal...
Friday, March 5, 2010
2 months old
Ben at 2 months:
You are 12 lbs 10 ounces and 24 inches long (75th percentile for both).
You were super tough with your shots and only cried for like 30 seconds and were smiling on the way home
You have been smiling since 5 weeks
You have beautiful dark blue eyes—we think they are going to stay blue for sure—it was touch and go there for a while
You seem recognize your mom and dad
You prefer to sleep on mom or dads chest at night (thanks to that stinking week o’ cold) but are working on the laying on back in a crib thingJ
You are sleeping for about a 5 hour chunk at night--a cold threw a kink in your sleep development at 5 weeks and you reverted back to newborn sleep habits so we are happy with 5 J. You wake up, eat, and then go back down for another 2-3 hours.
You like to swing in your swing
You love walks with BOB
You are a night owl- you are usually wide awake from 7pm until 11pm or 12 am when you finally go to bed.
You love love love the bath time and always have!
You had become quite the spitter-upper till we got new Rx for reflux and now we don’t smell like milk all the time
You are becoming quite chatty and social
You love all lights and will stare at them or bright pictures on walls forever!
You had your first trip to Disneyland and were a SUPER traveler also LOVED the beach and fell asleep to the sound of the waves
You already have a job and help mom work at grandpas office in baby bjorn for a few hours every day while on maternity leave from the hospital
You have been to church 4 times now and love hanging out with the YW on Wednesday nights :)