Lindsay was in town for a quick visit from Utah and put together a little get together with friends from HS/pre-HS days. We haven't gotten together much at all since then so it was really fun to catch up and pick up where we left off. I should have brought some MHMB cookies--Mo' Hotta' Mo' Betta :)
Back Row (L to R) : Joel Lindstrom, Emily Masters, Lindsay & Parley Nielson, Mike Forsythe, Josh Hartzell. Front Row (L to R): Sara and Jaeda, Joee Hartzell, Rushton Hartzell, Ben & I, Trisha & Allie Hartzell.

Lindsay, Josh, Joel, & I were pretty inseperable at times when we were younger. We were neighbors, champion roller bladers, had regular movie nights and hot tub parties, and long talks in the cul-de-sac (Lion King style) about everything. Was fun to see all of our kids together! The boys have girls and the girls have boys. I didn't have a great angle on the group shot but here they are from L to R: Ben, Allie (Josh & Trish Hartzell), Jaeda (Joel & Sara Lindstrom), and Parley (Lindsay and Jake Nielson)

Seeing the nest generation was really fun. This is Ben and Allie Hartzell (Josh & Trish) born in the same hospital less than 24 hrs apart.
Ben checking out the ladies!
Posing with Allie (Josh & Trish Hartzell) and Jaeda (Joel & Sara Lindstrom)
Britt--I just love you! It was so fun to catch up that night but my one regret--not planning coordinating outfits for me and my boy :) Heeh! MHMB 4-ever!
those are awesome!! how great to get together again even if short n' ben's expressions=already puttin' the moves on & the looks on their faces are funny too:)
Oh what fun!! and everyone has a babbbbey! They are all so adorable!! :)
It was fun Brittany! Hopefully Joel and I will see you soon! Maybe dinner one night or even lunch?!
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