The 8th was the big day we've been waiting for...
its a GIRL!!
In the top two pics she held up her hand, gave a little wave, a thumbs up, then straight into her mouth went that thumb! It was soo sweet:) (Not gonna lie, a thumb sucker sounds ok right now as I am battling the binky farewell with Ben)
Lance was holding Ben and kept pointing out his new little sister on the monitor--
Ben looked at the screen and informed us all it was a "ghost...a nice ghost" :)
we are thrilled and CANNOT WAIT to meet baby girl Bergeson in March!!
You already know how excited our little girl bunch is to add another female to our side of the fam! But so fun to see the actual ultra sound pics and can't wait to meet the "nice ghost":)
YAY! now i will have FOUR adorable nieces!!! love you!
her profile looks like bens...pretty cute pattern!
She is going to be the cutest ghost ever!
Yay! I'm so happy for you guys.
Way to even out the grandchild ratio for Grandpa Gar & Grandma Neecy! Hoping I don't have to wait too long to meet her either...but will just wish you the best for rest of pregnancy in meantime!
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