We flew in and out of SLC when we traveled to Idaho Falls for Meg's wedding so we got to spend about a day at the beginning and a day at the end of our weekend with Brooke and Jake in Provo. We have a lot of friends/family in the area that we wish we could have had time with too, especially because our trips to Utah are becoming few and far between but seeing everyone didn't happen. We did make it back to Provo in time to see Jake play in the BYU vs. Idaho game...it's about time!
Brooke and Ben making sammies before the game:)

It was only 32 degrees and a late game but we bundled up and had a blast--Ben too!
He was a trooper!
The Cougar tail

and suckers may have contributed to his good mood:) I wont win any good mom awards in regards to nutrition but Hey, you do what you can to entertain a two year old for HOURS in the freezing cold. Fortunately we have trained him well and he loved yelling "go cougars" and "TOUCHDOWN JAKEY" :)
Before the game Ben was thrilled to see Cosmo...he just wasn't quite expecting a quick handoff for a pic (hence the expression in the pic below:), the rest of the game he looked for him on the sidelines and reported that Cosmo says Go Cougars! :)

we were an hour early with really no traffic (didn't consider the fact that Jake's pass gets us front row parking, it was late game, mormon standard time, and the freezing temps)
Needless to say there were lots of self portrait and photo sessions to kill time:)

waiting for Jake after the game, Ben thoroughly enjoyed watching the clean up crew sweeping and blowing trash to the aisles in the stadium--pretty entertaining:)
Ben loves him some "Jakey"

Sleepy boys on drive through canyon from Park City
Fortunately caught Grandma Lou before she headed to Branson for the week and had a nice quick visit:) love you grandma and so glad you are home and recovered and finally feeling well!
Saying bye to the Heaps:(
I must admit--I am pretty confident I have the BEST 2 year old EVER--especially on the airplane! I calculated and counting the multiple plane trips it takes to get anywhere from KY, Ben has been on a plane (taking off and landing) nearly 30 times!! He is a pro traveler! He has only cried 1x on a plane when he was 6 mo old on the LONG all night flight home from Hawaii for 3 minutes-thats it!
This time, Ben spent the first nearly 40 min looking out the window in picture 1, a half an hour playing quietly with the seatbelt in pic 2, a long while playing with his cars (the ONLY toy I brought:) in pic 3, watched a little Elmo and enjoyed some cheez-its in pic 4, and then sweetly cuddled and watched our final descent and landing out the window---BEN IS A ROCKSTAR!! I have to brag because everyone keeps telling me I will never be so lucky as to have more than one of these PERFECT babies so I try to enjoy every minute! Oh, how I love him!!

With 30 flights under his belt, Ben definitely took advantage of his first 2 free years of flying--now he gets to have his own seat--ugh!
um...i am pretty sure all your babies will be as amazing as ben. i think you were just blessed to have INCREDIBLE,PERFECT kids. but no matter what he sure is perfect and cute!!
Looks like an awesome and COLD trip!! Ben is a stud and I am sure baby girl B will learn from her big brother!! LOVE the picture of Ben and Cosmo! His face cracks me up!
such a fun trip, too quick! love you and miss you guys so much!
tell benny he is so funny!
ps, your second will be as perfect as your first. trust me!! People don't know what they are saying about you getting lucky with a perfect child...but i guess some people can have all perfect children ;)
What a fun game to watch. I agree with Rachel, Ben's face with Cosmo is priceless.
We took Haley to a Heat game when she was close to Ben's age. The $5 I spent on popcorn was the best money spent! I am all about food to help little ones make it through all the fun things we take them to.
Ben's face with Cosmo is prob my fav pic in whole post! I saw it earlier this week, but still gotta comment of course:) Those cougar tails are fantastic eh? Glad he was an all-star on the plane AGAIN! Even better that you got to see Jake in action on the field during your whirlwind weekend! Sad you aren't headed to NoWest during holidays though...not gonna be the same without you?!
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