Getting ready to go home-- All 3 of us had a pretty good night and were up Tuesday at 7 anxious to get HOME and see family that had been waiting anxiously since Sunday for a better introduction/bonding time with our little man:) With new H1N1 visitor policy, on admit i had to choose ONLY 2 people (including Lancer) that could be in room and hold baby etc the WHOLE time we were there--Lance and my mom got the lucky "VIP support person" bands but it was so hard to have other grandparents and sisters and cousins waiting to meet our little guy and not be able to see him. Lance and I are very much rule followers but were ok with a little stretching for both sets of grandparents to sneak in one and a time and for brooke to come meet him because he made his grand arrival just hours before she left back to utah for winter semester. He just barely missed seeing Rach and Meg headed back to Vegas and Iowa on Thursday and Friday respectively after Christmas :(...
Later, when they wheeled Ben and I up to recovery room, Cait, Beck, Cole, Dane, Luke, Brooke, & Grandmas and Grandpas, were all waiting in foyer by elevator and got to say a quick hello. Lance, Ben and I feel so lucky to have all the support and love that we do and love having visitors since we've been home!!
Sorry for the day 1 tangent--labor story will have to be later:) Back to day 3..we got all ready to come home but no one mentioned that I may need a premie outfit to come home in--never do know what they are gonna weight--but our, now 7 lb, little man was DROWNING in his 0-3 mo. little sweatsuit and hat I had so lovingly selected:) haha. It was really GINORMOUS! but he looked so handsome anyways and waited much more patiently and sweetly than his anxious parents for all the paperwork and everything prior to discharging from the hospital.
My mom had the sheets on our bed washed and remade (preview to labor story: my water broke at night:), dishes loaded in sink and some groceries and flowers waiting for us. (THANKS MOM!--stay tuned for more articulate and well deserved ode to my husband and ode to my mom and family for all that they have done!! They have all been incredible!)
Grandma and Grandpa Bergeson drove over the snowy pass when they heard Ben was finally on his way and were at the hospital shortly after he arrived. Because of the visitor policy their quick 2 minute sneak peek had to hold them over till Tuesday but they waited patiently till Tuesday at Debra's sister's house and were waiting at our house when we got home for a few hours to meet their newest grandson before having to drive back over the pass for prior commitment that night. Thanks so much for waiting and for all the gifts you brought for Ben's BIRTHday:)
My sisters that were still in town were anxious to hold Ben and came over Tuesday night. Beck brought over some super yummy soup and breadsticks for us and Beckie and her boys got to hold Ben for the first time. Ben loved the attention!
Ben and Grandma Neecy have been buddies since his first breath (and before:) I just didn't do a great job capturing pics of her holding him--i was kinda distracted:) Brooke has some on her camera from their first meeting in the delivery room. Grandpa Gar somehow has bonded with him a few times without a picture :( but we will get one soon!!! other than that these capture all his visitors:) I have told him all about his aunts and uncles, etc. that he hasnt met yet and he cant wait:) He loves his family and knows he is lucky, as do we, for all their love!
Day 3 was a long one but we love showing him off:)--finished up watching a little football with his daddy!
I am a little bitter seeing pics of everyone holding him EXCEPT for me!!! I have explained to Annie numerous times she has a new cousin...she is not quite getting it, but just told her that Ben came out of your belly and she asked if she could play with him??? DISNEYLAND!! :)
Wow, he is sooo cute. I love that second picture, the close-up one. What a doll. Enjoy these first few weeks. I know you have heard it before but they go by so fast.
Always fond of the pics prior to going home from hosp...I esp like the fam shot in your room & one of mom & son chilling in the carport.He looks like he's checking out whole wide world from his carseat & slightly resembles lil' bro on Christmas Story in his layers:) i pref to focus on those vs one in my arms-i'd like to blame on unflattering angle, but think it's just the eldest aunt-ugh!
He is so precious...I want to hold him! I see he has gotten to use our little Aden blanket :) But we were the same way, I didn't realize that 0-3 was TOO big when we brought her outfit to the hospital. She could only wear newborn size for at least a month and she was a big baby when she was born. 0-3 size is totally deceiving...should say 2-4 months I think!
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